Microsoft Secure Score Bulletin

Below is an important security bulletin from our external computer security provider DCG Technical Solutions, Inc. announcing a new security product from Microsoft that we recommend you utilize. Our score is above 90 which we have been told is spectacular. If you have any questions you should reach out to your external computer security provider […]
California Passes Expansion of Passthrough Entity Tax And Other Economic Relief

On February 7, 2022, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 113 (“SB 113”) proposing an expansion to the California Passthrough Entity Elective Tax (“CA PTET”) as previously enacted under Assembly Bill 150 (“AB 150”), as well as additional relief unrelated to the CA PTET. The bill has been signed by Governor Gavin Newsom. SB 113 […]
Real Estate Market Changes for 2022

Changes Are Underway The pandemic ignited a home-buying frenzy as the decade-long housing shortage converged with historically-low mortgage rates, shifting workplace dynamics and new opportunities for young buyers to pursue their first homes. As enter the start of 2022, here’s a look at the expectations of real estate experts for new year. While the pandemic […]
Advanced Wealth Transfer Planning

Keep Your Money In The Right Hands A well-crafted wealth transfer and estate plan can help you implement your vision for the future and create benefits for the people and causes that matter most to you. There are three places your assets can end up after your death: taxes, charity, or to loved ones as […]
New Requirements for R&D Credits

The IRS recently shared it receives thousands of R&D claims for credits in the hundreds of millions of dollars from corporations, businesses, and individual taxpayers. Claims for the research credit under Section 41 of the Tax Code are examined in a substantial number of cases and take up significant time and resources for both the […]